Wednesday 5 February 2014

Collaborative Testing In Full Swing

2014 is truly about pushing forward and I can honestly say that the past month has been the most busiest to date! Setting up a wealth of exciting projects, plans and preparations for the next 2 years and what an incredibly inspiring journey it is going to be! And what better way to start this momentous year than with the finalisation of my collaborative project - The Silvermine in China. 

So with that in mind, every second of every day is spent looking through the remaining imagery, over 300,000 left to view, edit and test on. The imagery that I am so lucky to be working with, provides much ample food for thought and above is a little example of one of tests that I have made, a truly beautiful example of how the colours and tonal graduation change and alter when put through the process I have carefully created. 

Many more images to come, and much more information to be divulged so keep watching as new posts appear, but Beijing was calling and I couldn't wait to cave in, so China awaits! Until the next stage... 

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