Tuesday 23 April 2013

Light & Bride

So last Friday I finally managed to get to see the two shows I have been trying to see for a long time! These were the very much celebrated Light show at the Hayward and The Bride and the Bachelor at the Barbican. Two unbelievably incredible exhibitions curated with such passion and authority the exhibits were truly moving.

The Light show, now extended until May 7th is quite extraordinary as it takes you not only on a contemporary artistic journey, but a sensual one whereby the confusion of your senses makes you feel a wealth of emotions and you become reactive to the environment you are walking into in such a self participatory way. For me, the sensory overload was at times quite unimaginable as the colours, tones, mists and forms trick your eyes into seeing and understanding situations and shapes in a completely new way. Works that really got me were pieces by Carlos Cruz-Diez, Cerith Wyn Evans, Dan Flavin and Anthony McCall. 

As the press release states, "Light has the power to affect our state of mind as well as alter how we perceive the world around us, and Light Show includes some of the most visually stimulating artworks created in recent years. From atmospheric installations to intangible sculptures that you can move around and even through, visitors can experience light in all of its spatial and sensory forms. Individual artworks explore different aspects of light such as colour, duration, intensity and projection, as well as perceptual phenomena."

See more here: http://www.haywardlightshow.co.uk/exhibition/

The Bride and The Bachelor is a completely different experience, but nether the less moving and inspiring. Based around the works of Duchamp and his enormously important legacy on contemporary artists John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns. This exhibition is layered with traces of genius, as you see the effect Marcel had on the works of his contemporaries and friends. As you walk around the show, Philippe Parreno has created a musical mise en scene, producing scores from Cage and sounds of his own inspiration from these works. The result is a stunning sensory explosion, as you see, hear and feel part of a great moment in time.

Its almost impossible to truly explain the experiences you get from these two shows, the best way is to visit, see and experience them yourself and be overtaken with inspiration and vision in ways you couldn't quite imagine.

See more here: http://www.barbican.org.uk/artgallery/event-detail.asp?ID=14075

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